Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reveiw for Project Ekolugical Carbonometer

Here is my reveiw for Project Ekolugical Carbonometer following our professor's checklist.

A. Build successfully
B1. The main functionality is implemented.
1.When I put 2009-12-04 and submit, it returns a list. However, if I put 2009-12-05, 2009-12-06, 2009-12-07...
and submit, it does not change. It looks like there is no data but the no data error does not show up.
2.When I put 2009-11-2g 2009 and submit, it returns error fail to convert to timestamp. However, the error message
should be "Please enter a date with the following format: YYYY-MM-DD."
1.The interface is not self-explanatory.
2.The system require unnecessary scrolling to see the data.
3.The style is not standardized. "Enter a date" compare with the "Maximum and minimum"
C1.Description included. No explanation how packages relate to each other.
C2.Description included. No explanation how classes relate to each other.
C3.Description included. No sample code for clients of the class.
C4.Description included.

D1. Most names are properly named. RESULT, RESULT_DAY_ONE, RESULT_DAY_TWO should not be capitalized since they are
not constant.
D2. Internal name looks Ok.

E1. Emma test coverage is good 86% lines of code.
E2. There are two tests have the same comment. Not test for the WattDepot query.

F1. I think the Thresholds class should be inside the WattDepotCommand class because the calculation of threshold heavily
depends on the WattDepotCommand class.

G1. I think WattDepotCommand class's instance "RESUTL", "RESULT_DAY_ONE", "RESULT_DAY_TWO" is not appropriate. They are
too detail.
H1. Methods look OK.
I1. The code is implemented consistently.
J1. Well documented for both UserGuide and DeveloperGuide.
K1. I cannot view the hackystats for this project.
L1. I think the planning is too general. There is no issue for implementation of the application.
L2. The task is evenly distributed.
M1. The system is regularly built due to commits,
M2. The builds failed states on Nov 21 lasted 2 hours.
M3. There is a daily build job.

Overall Comment:
I am not sure if Ekolugical Carbonometer project's threshold calculation make sense or not. However, I think the interface of the web-application definitly need improve. The idea of having a rolling threshold is very good.

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